- Added Hear About Us Charts in dashboard and fix an issue causing RuntimeError , plus adding dental treatment to left without dailyvisit appointments count
- Fix an issue with past history survey in smoking and others
- Add Hear about us in sales report & apply prevent seeing mobile no access to sales report and detaild sales and sales and collection
- ZATCA Phase2 Integration
- new old patients report now uses date range
- Log offers modifications
- Upload Date can now be modified in patients uploads
- Added the feature to link Technician to appointment timing can't select Technician if busy with another appointment (can be disabled or enabled)
- Prevent the usages of service No 50 in Promotions (ZATCA Requirements)
- Service Price is now editable based on user access In Dental Screen
- Add new filter to appointments report left without daily Visit
- Day Appointments now functions perfictly
- Whatsapp messages sent can now be seen
- Added a new module (Leads)
- Added is Confirmend To Appointments Report
- Updated Users Statistics Report To Follow Doctor Statistics Report
- Added No of Is Confirmed Appointments In Appointments Statistics Report
- Fix an issue with Doctor Statistics Report somtime sowing comulative total
- Fix an issue with Insurance Claims Excel Export
- Fix Past History Survey Last Modfied By And On
- Add Patient Chronic Illnesses (text) In Health Details
- Add ICD Code To Dental Treatment Service
- Added New Access To Save Old Appointments
- Added New Access To Prevent Seeing Patient Name In Appointments And All Appointments
- Added New/Old In Appointments Report
- Added Sales Report In Arabic
- Added New Report To Show DailyVisit And Dental Treatment Count per day per user
- Added Export Options for insurance claims
- Show User Full Name In Appointment Contacted by instead of login only
- Added the ability to edit vital signs
- Added Drainage to vital signs and last modified by
- Fixed Some issues In Medical History Survey
- Added new Access To Patient Before After Images
- Added new Access To Patient Pre Post Op Photos
- Added The feature to create before after image from pre post op Images
- Fix Group Session Saving crash if no absent patients
- Added refunds only filter to sales report and detailed sales report
- Updated all consents to the latest version to solve issue when saving on apple products
- Updated The Daily Visit Drawing feature
- Deleted Appointments Report Add The Feature to filter by deleted On
- Invoices Services Setup Modified Length Required for search to two letters or more ...
- Added new columns to doctors statistics report to show returned Appointments In Period.
- Added New Column To Appointments Report To Show Invoices Numbers
- Fix Appointments Report Patients Count Showing zero
- Add new Coulmn to Services Schedules REport Last Payment Date, Last Appointment Date,Upcoming appointment Date
- Fix an issue when selecting services groups and sub groups In Services Requests.
- Fix an issue With Patients Never Show Report.
- Added The Ability To Show/Hide data with zero values In Services Statistical Reports.
- Added A new Option To Patient File To Select Contact Language arabic/english to be used in Automated Whatsapp Messages.
- Added A new feature to list the appointments by clickeing on the value in doctors statistics report.
- Fix an issue with services list exporting to excel when services list is more than 1500 Services.
- Added the ability to Print Dental Treatments with dental chart.
- Added No Of dental Treatments To Doctor Statistics Report.
- Change Dental Print In Daily Visit History Export.
- Fix Patients Never Show Report Excel Export Showing blocked when exporting large amount of data.
- Added Company Event To Patient File ...
- Added Company/ Event Filter To Sales Report and Detailed Sales Report.
- Added New Access To Allow Only Seeing Sales Of Offers (NewAccess_Can_See_Only_Offers_Sales)
- Added New Filtering To Insurance Contract PriceList And Also In Insurance Policies Still to be filtered to doctor...
- Add Gender To Patients Report
- ADD ICD COde To Insurance Contract PriceList.
- Add Strength Drop down In Medications .
- Add Patient Weight And Allergies To Medications Print CBAHI .
- Add A new Setup Screen For Patients Report PreDefined
- Add Age Filter To Patients Report
- Appointments Calender Now Disables days if day is blocked or has no schedule.
- تم إضافة خانة الزامية في ملف المريض وهي معرف الهوية مثل الهوية الوطنية او هوية مقيم او جواز السفر الخ...
- تم حل مشكلة الأسماء العربية في تقرير المرضى لكل طبيب وخدمة عند التصدير بصيغة اكسل.
- تم إضافة صلاحية جديدة تمكن من ارجاع الفاتورة في حالة وجود طلب أصناف من المستودع. (Can Create Credit Note If Invoice Has Item Request)
- ويوجد صلاحية لعرض جميع الخدمات (Can View ALL Invoices Services) ويتم إعطائها جميع المستخدمين عند التحديث لاستمرارية عمل النظام.أصبح من الممكن فصل مجموعة الخدمات او الخدمات التي تظهر للمستخدم في طلبات الخدمات وجدولة الخدمات للمريض بحيث تظهر لطبيب التجميل خدمات التجميل فقط وطبيب الاسنان خدمات الاسنان فقط
- عند حفظ الموعد في حال وجود خطأ في رقم جوال المريض تظهر رسالة خطأ "رقم جوال المريض غير صحيح"
- النظام الان يسمح بحقن المواعيد خلال الأوقات المغلقة بمواعيد طويلة .
- تظهر إشارة في ملف المريض في حال حان موعد عيد ميلاد المريض, وتبقى لمدة 60 يوم من تاريخه .
- تم تعريب التاريخ الطبي للمريض .
- تم إضافة مستوى الخدمة في قائمة التسعيرة للتأمين- Primary, Additional
- تم تحديث حزمة تصدير مطالبات التأمين PDF
- تم إضافة اللغة الإنجليزية لتفاصيل الفاتورة في الطباعة.
- Changed Doctors Sales Summary Name To Doctors Collections Summary.
- Added Doctors Sales Summary Report.
- The method of creating a new file has been improved and the new file screen has been moved to the appointment creation screen, as shown in the attachment.
- The issue of the detailed sales report for the group has been fixed.
- A new report, Financial Summary By Doctors, has been added, with the Access of (Financial Summary By Doctors Report).
- A new Doctors Sales Summary report has been added with the Access of (Financial Summary By Doctors Report)
- Patients who did this service report has been fixed.
- Additional information has been added to the patient report.
1- Added restrictions on Appointments Status To be selectd on order from: checkin --> Inside Clinic --> Left The Clinic.
2- Users can now see Information about the patient from appointments screen by clicking on the appointment patient photo.
3- Added Patients Uploads Screen In Arabic.
3- When Booking a new appointment user can view last appointment status.
4- Added the apility to add batch number to face injuctions in Daily Visits (Observations).
5- Added the ability to print Procedures Card.
6- Changed the Patient File Screens Layout.
7- When Creating A new invoice for the patient the system will select the doctor and clinic automatically from the appointment.
8- Changed the Waiting Time For waiting and Inside Clinic To Show as hours and minutes hh:mm .
9- Activated "Allow To Override Pending" Access right when checking patient In (If patient has pending payments system will require Access).
1- Fixed an issue with Services Report when selecting All Services Groups.
2- Fixed An issue with Paid over amount when Selecting All Clinics.
3- WhatsApp Buttons Lables Can now be changed By (MicroChips-me).
3- Added Number of Invoices In Paid Over Amount Report.
4- Dental Charts are now more responsive. (If Applicable).
1- Fixed an issue with removing all Schedule Freeze.
2- User Can Now Edit WhatsApp Messages If Applicable (With the right Access).
3- User Can Now Cancel Appointment Confirmation.
4- How did you Hear About us In Patient personal data can be Mandatory (If Wanted).
5- Receipt Print has been updated.
6- Fixed an issue with dashbored invoices total paid.
7- Added Service request invoice number.
8- Added Duration of Illness In Vital Signs.
9- Allergies and warnings now can be seen in Treatments (Medications) and as warnings in patient file.
10- Added the option to match service request to invoice when issueing an invoice for a service request (If Wanted).
11- Saving a service request with a technician will update appointment technician.
12- User can now add multible package visits (With the right Access).
13- added a new access to update patient file personal data if the patient has an invoice.
14- added a new access to Make invoices by default all users have this access.
15- Added Pedo Dental Chart (If Applicable).
1- Added Doctor In Appointments Report Table to check to which doctor does the Appointment Belong To.
2- User Can Now Open Patient File From Appointments Report by Double Clicking row or Clicking on Patient File Number.
3- (Patients Who Did This Service Only Report) can now be filtered by doctor or clinic And Service Is optional.
4- Added the feature to print the invoice In an A4 Form .
5- Marking the Appointment Status As Left Will pop up a warning if the patient Has No Invoice Or Daily visit On Same Day (Can be overridden without the need of An Access But It Will be Logged).
6- Health Details Heart Icon In Patient File Personal Data Will now Have an Animation if the patient has any entered allergies or health warnings Also A heart Icon will be Shown In Appointments Screen And All Appointments Screen next to the Patient Name for the same reason .
7- Added A new Access That will Allow To Update Patient Personal Data After An invoice has been issued (Can Update Patient Personal Data After Invoice Issue).
8- Fixed An issue That prevents From Creating A new Patient Contact Request.
9- Limited The Patients Transfers Screen To Show Only Transfers Done in the past 30 days , with the note that all transfers will be shown in Patients Files.
10- Fixed an Issue with the Dash board That Prevented the Most Invoiced Service From showing.
11- Added A Counter For Case Number( 12 - B) In Dash Bored Screen (for given period).
12- Added A counter For number of Appointments Booked Through Clinic And OSSRS in Dash Bored Screen (for given period).
13- Added the feature of showing doctor specialty In Invoices And Labs Request Print. (Needs To be Filled Manually By Microchips).
14- Doctors And Users Can Now Edit Medications Notes Directly From The Table by Clicking on the Cell they Want to edit Under Notes, To Allow the edit Of notes when Adding A set of Medications.
15- Deleted Doctors And Clinics Are Now Visible In Patients Invoices screen noted that its only to allow printing of old invoices which means the user cannot select them they are disabled.
16- Fixed the issue of Services Report that is shown wrong number of use, and added the feature to filter by doctor.
17- User Can Now Create A dental Treatment or orthodontic Treatment without the Selection of A Service (If Abdicable).
18- Added A special Cases selection In Appointment Report with the following Cases: (Noted That User Can Use the rest of the filters as usual):
A- (Left the Clinic Without an invoice) which will get you all the appointments with left status that has no invoice on the same day of leave.
B- Appointments with Check In , Inside Clinic or no status which will show all the Appointments that is on check in or inside clinic or no status at all.
This policy outlines the measures taken to protect the intellectual property rights and copyrights associated with PATIENT MANAGMENT SYSTEM (PMS) (the “Software”). This document applies to all users,clients, developers, and distributors involved with the Software, in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2.1 Ownership The Software and all related documentation, including but not limited to source code, object code, graphical elements, user interfaces, and design, are owned by الرقائق المصغرة التجارية. (“the Owner”). All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, and patent rights, are owned by the Owner and are protected under Saudi Arabian law.
2.2 Copyright The Software is protected by copyright law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as per the Copyright Law issued by the Saudi Arabian Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP). The Owner holds exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display the Software. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of the Software is a violation of copyright law.
2.3 Trademarks PATIENT MANAGMENT SYSTEM (PMS) and related logos are registered trademarks of the Owner. Unauthorized use of these trademarks is prohibited under Saudi Arabian trademark law.
3.1 Grant of License Subject to the terms and conditions of this policy, the Owner grants users a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the Software for its intended purpose, as specified in the Contract/Invocie.
3.2 Restrictions
Users shall not: Copy, modify, or create derivative works based on the Software without explicit written permission from the Owner. Reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. Distribute, lease, rent, or sublicense the Software to third parties without the Owner’s consent. Remove or alter any copyright notices or proprietary legends on the Software.
4.1 Technical Protection The Software incorporates technical measures to prevent unauthorized copying, distribution, and use. These measures may include encryption, license management systems, and anti-piracy technology.
4.2 Legal Action The Owner reserves the right to take legal action against individuals or entities that violate the intellectual property rights associated with the Software. Legal actions may include seeking remedies for infringement, including damages, injunctive relief, and legal costs, in accordance with Saudi Arabian laws.
5.1 Compliance Users must comply with all terms and conditions outlined in this policy. Users are responsible for ensuring that any third parties to whom they provide access to the Software also comply with these terms.
5.2 Reporting Infringement Users should report any suspected infringement of the Software’s intellectual property rights to (pmo@microchips-me.com). Prompt reporting helps the Owner take appropriate action to protect its rights under Saudi Arabian law.
The Owner may amend this policy from time to time. Any changes will be communicated to users and will become effective immediately upon posting or notification.
For questions or concerns regarding this policy or to report any violations, please contact:
Microchips EST
Jeddah Saudi Arabia
This policy and any disputes arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Any legal proceedings arising out of or related to this policy shall be brought before the competent courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This End User License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (the “User” or “Licensee”) and [الرقائق المصغرة التجارية] (“Licensor”), the owner of the software product (the “Software”) provided with this Agreement.
1.1 License Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensor grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install and use the Software on a single device or multiple devices if explicitly permitted by this Agreement.
1.2 Restrictions
You may not:
Copy, modify, or distribute the Software except as expressly permitted by this Agreement.
Reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
Rent, lease, or sublicense the Software.
Use the Software for any unlawful purpose.
The Software is licensed, not sold. All rights, title, and interest in and to the Software, including all intellectual property rights, are owned by Licensor or its licensors.
3. Updates and Upgrades
Licensor may provide updates, upgrades, or patches to the Software. These may be subject to additional terms or conditions. Updates are provided at Licensor’s discretion and may be required to continue using the Software.
4.1 Term This Agreement is effective until terminated.
4.2 Termination Licensor may terminate this Agreement if you fail to comply with its terms. Upon termination, you must cease using the Software and destroy all copies of it.
The Software is provided “as is,” without warranties of any kind. Licensor disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the fullest extent permitted by Saudi Arabian law.
Licensor shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or related to this Agreement or the use of the Software, even if Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages, to the fullest extent permitted by Saudi Arabian law.
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Licensor from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to your use of the Software or any violation of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The parties agree that any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through the judicial system of Saudi Arabia. Both parties agree to attempt to resolve any disputes amicably before resorting to legal action.
10.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Licensor regarding the Software and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.
10.2 Amendments. Licensor may amend this Agreement from time to time. You will be notified of any significant changes.
10.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable under Saudi Arabian law, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.
For questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, please contact:
الرقائق المصغرة التجارية
Jeddah Saudi Arabia